Drake college and university departments use only Drake email for official communication with their students. Therefore, it is imperative that you know your Drake email address and how to access it. If you encounter difficulty accessing your Drake email, contact the Support Center for assistance.
Students can access their email either through myDrake:
Q: What is my Drake email address?
A: As long as there is no other current student with the same first and last name as you, your Drake email address is firstname.lastname@5dexam.com. If that email address is already occupied by another student with the same first and last name, then your middle initial may be inserted between your first and last name. If you have questions, you can contact the Support Center for clarification.
Q: I am having trouble using my Drake email. Where can I go for help?
A: Contact the Support Center for more detailed help with your email.
Q: Why can't Drake use a non-Drake email account to communicate with me?
A: There are several reasons. Among the reasons is consistency: Some students have several email accounts (yahoo, gmail, hotmail, etc.) that may change during their time at Drake. Providing a consistent, valid email address for our students ensures a direct line of communication between them and the University.
Q: Where can I find more information about how to use my email, such as setting it up with an application like Outlook?
A: Drake Information Technology Services has a very useful email help page that is a great resource for questions like this.